REBus ICT Sector report
The EU LIFE REBus (Resource Efficient Business Models) project aims to reducethe use of raw materials or extend the lifetime of products by demonstrating the commercial case for European businesses to change their business models. As a REBus partner, the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat has aligned these business models with public procurement budgets, asset management and legislation across a variety of procurement categories including textiles, furniture, electricals and construction.
This category report focusses on the opportunities and learnings from the REBus pilots relating to ICT (information and communications technology) and electrical equipment (EE). ICT is the umbrella term that typically includes, inter alia, physical communication devices encompassing radio, television, mobile phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing. In this report, we discuss the ICT related electronic equipment, or ICT related hardware.