REBus Textiles Sector report
The EU LIFE REBus (Resource Efficient Business Models) project 1 aims to reduceproduct consumption by demonstrating the commercial case for European businesses to change their business models. As a REBus partner, the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat has aligned these business models with public procurement budgets, asset management and legislation across a variety of procurement categories including textiles, furniture, ICT and electrical equipment, and construction. (october 2017)
This category report focusses on the opportunities and learnings from the REBus pilots relating to textiles and workwear in particular. The term ‘workwear’ in this report covers garments of simple and typically very durable construction such as Nurses’ uniforms; career-wear such as suits, dresses, skirts, jackets and blouses worn in business environments; corporate casual-wear like knitted tops (polos, sweatshirts and knitwear) and jeans / chino style trousers or jog pants; uniforms which are typically highly durable and very good quality tailored outfits, e.g. for military and public service institutions; and, protective clothing as part of personal protective equipment (PPE).